Tough Mudder Sunday!
Thursday, December 1st, 2011This Sunday is going to be fun!
Death Waiver has been signed and we’re ready to go!
This Sunday is going to be fun!
Death Waiver has been signed and we’re ready to go!
My first ‘event’ in quite a while, the TOUGH MUDDER in December. Myself and a few guys from work are teaming up to experience what is “probably the toughest event on the planet“.
That is their advertising slogan anyway 🙂
Hey, I’m sure it sells entries, but 12 miles, 21 obstacles, average time 2 and a half hours? I don’t care if it’s designed by British Special Forces or the Devil himself, I have a very hard time believing this is going to be anything more than a very fun diversion, playing in the mud, climbing on monkey bars, running through fire, what a cool way to spend a couple hours!
Below are a few details of the upcoming fun. A map of the course and a description of the 21 obstacles ( well, 20 of them anyway). Click the picture for fullsize.
December 4th in Tampa! Bring on the mud, ice, fire, ropes, logs, walls, water cannons, WHATEVER!
Yesterday after work we had a Corporate 10k Relay race. Teams of two to four runners or walkers do 1.55 mile loops.
When I got home afterwards, this was waiting for me on the front door… (click for full size)
VERY COOL! Thanks Familia!
What Next? After a lifetime of bike races, triathlons and running races, with the last several years including 5 Ironman distance triathlons, 50+ ultramarathons and seven 100+ mile finishes (three Badwater’s, two Western States, Massunutten and Umstead), I’m at a point where I’ve just not been able to get excited enough about any particular event to put in the required training. I miss it, but yet I can’t seem to get myself to stay focused enough to do it.
I entered the 2011 Umstead 100 in North Carolina, that will be held this April 1, but last month had my name removed from the entry list so another runner could have the spot. I simply have not been able to get motivated to do the long training sessions. I’m loving the workouts I do, clicked off a nice 5 miles this morning before work, fitness is coming along ok, but everything I do is short, and I don’t have a goal, a purpose. So I’ve been bumbling along staying in decent enough shape, doing some runs, doing some weights, a little bit of lifecycle at the gym, but I NEED to be chasing something. But WHAT?
SO, after mulling things over for a while, I’ve decided on a new lofty goal of a SUB 20:00 5k
That seems kind of silly considering I’ve run countless 18-19 minute 5ks, and a couple 17’s in my life, but I’ve not tried to run that fast for quite a while. Though in the last few months I have run a couple 22:30 5k’s, so I’m in the ballpark.
That’s it, my goal at this point is a Sub 20 in 2011. To do that I know I need to get my weight down to 170 or so, and start kicking in some faster runs. It will do me good, after so many years of long, slow distance on trails, to change the dynamic with some speedwork, sprints and seeing how fast I can run.
Once I’ve achieved that, I’ll see what inspires me.
To help add some variety and let me get some hard workouts, I’ve started rebuilding my bike, which has been down for over a year when I had a minor incident resulting in a broke wheel. (well, broken spokes, wheel can be salvaged). The thing is COVERED in dust and dirt, but MAN, what a nice bike. I love it, Cannondale Six13 with Campy Record Carbon components.
THAT’S THE MISSION for all the world to know! Sub 20 5k in 2011
Ran a 22:04 5k last week, kind of surprising with my lack of training lately, but cool, dry weather was a help. Time to start cranking up the mileage though.
Finished a guitar this weekend, a conglomeration of parts, the body was originally a white Made in Mexico Fender Stratocaster that belongs to Tamara, she took it with her on a John Mayer Cruise in hopes of getting an autograph on it. The neck is from a 24 inch scale Jagmaster that belongs to William, and the bridge a Made in USA Fender Tremolo bridge. Metallic Copper paint on body and matching headstock. The two humbuckers sound great, and it plays real nice. I love the 24 inch scale neck.
One of the Personal Trainers from the Tupperfit Weight Loss Challenge asked me for a ‘testimonial’. So I gave her a card like this…
Slowly getting myself back to fitness. This mornings 22:34 Tupperware 5K is a step in the right direction. That was good enough for 1st place on this particular morning! We have another 5k this evening, will be interesting to see how my legs feel.
I’m preparing for the Space Coast Marathon in November, then the Umstead 100 in April 2011. Will probably do Mountain Mist 50k in January, and maybe Cheaha 50k in Feb as I prepare for Umstead. Nice to be running again!