I was on the History Channel!

Last night , about a four second snippet of me running at the 2007 Badwater 135 Ultramarathon made it on the History Channel’s Modern Marvels:Superhot.  

 A buddy of mine recorded it on his phone, and posted it for me.  THANKS MANNY! 

HOW COOL IS THAT!   I’m #32 and about 40 seconds into the video.


4 Responses to “I was on the History Channel!”

  1. Ashley Harper Says:

    Thats so awesome Dad!!!! 8D I sent it to Sydne. 🙂 She is coming over 2morrow.

  2. chase Says:

    way awesome, I totally saw you!

  3. Ken Says:

    Hey David,

    I have been reading about your ultra running.
    I had a knee operation in 2007 after re injuring it carrying a battery from a car to my tractor (stepping in a hole). I healed (almost) and ran the 2007 NY marathon (slowest time ever). I’m in this year also, (I’ve done 15 so I get in without the lottery) I’ve just started training (I run with a limp). I also signed up for the Falmouth 7 mile run. It’s a great race in August from Woods Hole to Falmouth in Cape Cod.

    I work from home most days because the company I work for is in Daytona Beach. Still doing PeopleSoft.

  4. Ian Says:


    Printed off your BW 2007 race report and read it on the train on commute home last night. That was a great read and could easily be good pre-reading for anyone running or crewing at BW. Congrats on your third finish and first buckle. I like what you was saying about the first 42 miles to SPW. Scott mentioned that to us last year and how important it was to get through that section “safely” due to the majority of the heat occurring in the first 42 miles. Hope you don’t mind but I forwarded the link to your report to Kelvin and crew for them to read.

    I saw you got to run with and chat with my friend Nikki Seger. Nikki was the one that got me to do my first ultra many years ago. She’s a great person. She was one of six people I knew in the race last year including my friend Lisa who won the thing!!!

    See you did WS in 2005. I’ve been out to watch that race 3 times 2004-2006. Built a few vacations to that area around the race mainly because friends ran it. My wife banned me from going back last year so I went to BW instead.

    Good luck with your races this year
